Product Releases

Flinks API Now Able to Retrieve 12 Months of Transaction History

Flinks API Now Able to Retrieve 12 Months of Transaction History

Our unique ability results from important improvements to our API infrastructure. It also solidifies Flinks as the leading financial data aggregator on the Canadian market.

We’re proud to announce that Flinks is now able to retrieve 12 months of transaction data history, a first on the Canadian market. This huge step forward represents a 400% increase in capacity for our API. We were previously able to retrieve a maximum of 90 days of transactions, the industry standard in Canada before Flinks arrival.For our clients, this means one thing: the ability to deliver more value to their users. Accessing the extended history of a user’s bank account transactions means more data to analyze, which creates the potential for innovation in multiple sectors of finance.For instance, more data allows loan decisioning solutions to build a more accurate debtor profile. And anyone familiar with underwriting (e.i. the approval or refusal of credit applications) is aware that in the end, good debtors end up being the ones paying for bad debtors.So the fourfold increase in our API capacity means better loan decisioning for lenders in the short term, and better interest rates for borrowers in the long term.What our team was able to accomplish here is no small feat. Our unique ability to retrieve 12 months of data results from important improvements of our API infrastructure. It also solidifies Flinks as the leading financial data aggregator on the Canadian market.Future improvements in our API coverage include retrieving up to 24 months of transaction history, which we’re already working on.At Flinks, we see our role in Canadian Fintech as one of creating potential for companies to achieve more innovation. What we build ends up providing our clients with the ability to create better, more accessible financial products for consumers.If you have a finance app or you’re thinking of building one,explore our docsto see what Flinks’ API can do for your users!

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